Tuesday, 22 July 2008

The Stand

Well hello there. Let me take a second to talk about the book I am reading. It's a pretty good book. Although unlike other Stephen King books I have read it doesn't start very quickly. I am at chapter 7 and I still haven't gotten to anything "good versus evil" like it suggests on the blurb. But yeah I hope it is as good as people say it is.

Well my WoW is broke again this time I can't install the patch that I successfully got rid of. Fuck they could of said
"If you wait a day or two we will be on patch 2.1.3" or what ever the hell patch it was but I guess it's given me time to play some other games. I've been playing some CSS with my mates from the clan, Anya & Ad. It's pretty fun although Ad's deadly with an AK and dual elites. Anya is killer with her MP5 and me I just kick their ass for good measure. I have also gotten a chance to crack open my old copy of Warcraft 3. I have to say, if you like RTS games and have not played this then you better get a copy right now cause it is a brilliant game. Also if you are a fan on WoW I suggest getting it as well because you learn a lot of thing about the game and the characters. You learn Illidan was a nightelf and that he was imprisoned for betraying his kind. He is then set free by another "hero" nightelf. He is nightelf at that time. He only gains his demon form when Arthus (The lich king in the upcoming expansion pack for WoW) asks him to get him a skull to help free the nightelf forest. Knowing that Illidan is a douche and will take the skull for it's powers he runs off. Illidan assumes his demon form and kills some dreadlord. But I won't waste any more than that. But yeah it's a really good game cause you get to see what happened to make Azeroth at war.

So yeah my mates away on holiday (Hanney) he's away to Turkey. So I'll catch up with him next week. I think I'm going to get Warcraft Frozen Throne cause I want to see what's next. Also I love the CGI cut scenes cause you really get to see the action in high detail. I mean I don't mind the graphics in the game just the CGI is top notch almost makes it feel like Orcs and demons are real. Although I wouldn't mind a nice little nightelf my self, if you catch my drift.

So I think I've talked myself out today. Should make up for the 3 days I didn't say anything. Ciao my friends.

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