Thursday, 17 July 2008

I broke WoW D=

Yes my loyal reader, I broke WoW. You see I play on a private server and a new patch came out today for retail WoW. My being a tit, downloaded it and then realised it was for retail. So I tried back patching which failed. Then I tried to let the Blizz downloader do it for me. It installed all the patches. So that failed so I'm trying back patching again. If that doesn't work then I'll need to get my discs off my mate and reinstall.

So my mum still hasn't made up her mind about where to go. But I know it's Spain. But it's between Salau, Badajoz and Huelza. So yeah I'm not bothered.

My uncle gave me a lone of Top Spin 3. For a tennis game it's pretty good. I've played through until Pro. Although the difficulty level goes up and down as much as a whores knickers. It's also got a not half bad soundtrack. Not good but not bad. But yeah if you like sport games I definitely recommend this game.

Well update on the WoW thing. As I was typing it failed so I'll need to wait until I get my discs back. Bah life's a bitch some times -_-.

Oh yeah the book. I've been reading it a lot. It's pretty good. It jumps around a lot though which is slightly annoying. Although I want to know more about what is happining. Right now it's just peoples stories. But I'm sure it will be the main story soon. Can't wait.

Well later guys and gals.

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